Protecting Our Community, Preserving Our Heritage

The Woodside Park Garden Suburb Residents’ Association (formerly The Woodside Park Ratepayers’ Association) was founded in 1935.

The Association covers the 864 households in the Woodside Park Garden Suburb estate located in north London and bounded by Dollis Brook to the east, Folly Brook to the north and Finchley Golf Course to the south. It includes the Friends of Riverside Walk organisation and it is affiliated to the Federation of Residents’ Associations of the London Borough of Barnet (FORAB).

The Residents’ Association exists to preserve and improve the amenities enjoyed by its members in Woodside Park Garden Suburb and, where appropriate, elsewhere in the Borough of Barnet. It does so principally by meetings and correspondence with the Council, the Metropolitan Police and other service providers including, in particular, our Member of Parliament, our Ward Councillors and our Borough Commander. It also arranges various social activities for its members.

Membership is open to all residents of Woodside Park Garden Suburb with a discretionary annual membership fee. Households can contact committee members if they which to express any view about the work of the association.

Learn more about The Woodside Park Garden Suburb Residents Association by exploring these links: