Intro to the Association

The Association covers the 864 households in the estate which is bounded by Dollis Brook in the east, Folly Brook in the north and Finchley Golf Course in the south. It is affiliated to the Federation of Residents’ Associations of the London Borough of Barnet (FORAB).

It exists to preserve and improve the amenities enjoyed by its members in the Woodside Park Garden Suburb and elsewhere in the Borough of Barnet. It does so principally by meetings and correspondence with the Council, the Metropolitan Police and other service providers including, in particular, our Member of Parliament, our Ward Councillors and our Borough Commander. It also arranges social activities for its members.

Recent activities in defence of our amenities have included:

  • pressure for the allocation of more police resources to the borough and to the suburb;

  • continuing removal of graffiti in conjunction with the Council, the bus company and local shopkeepers;

  • creation of new children’s playground in Riverside Walk;

  • opposition to applications for planning permission for developments that would harm residents’ amenities;

  • successful pressure for the re-opening of Partingdale Lane to through traffic.
    pressure on the Council to reduce the number of proposed homes on the new Millbrook Estate

  • opposition to proposed controlled parking zone in the area
    preservation of environment including trees and grass verges.

Other activities traditionally include:

  • Carol singing by our Christmas tree at Sussex Ring;

  • Occasional informal Woodsider Party;

  • The publication and delivery to every household, of our newsletter “The Woodsider”.

Membership is open to all residents of Woodside Park Garden Suburb with a discretionary annual membership fee. Households can contact committee members if they which to express any view about the work of the association.

For more information, please contact:

Chairman, Robert Shutler, on 0208 445 4050 or by email to [email protected]
Hon Secretary, Churchill Kayode on 0208 445 2180 or by email to [email protected].