Planning Application for a Children’s Care Home at 16 Singleton Scarp
Residents of Singleton Scarp and the surrounding area are encouraged to take action regarding the recent planning application for a children's care home at 16 Singleton Scarp. If you share concerns about the suitability of this proposal, you can use the draft objection letter below to formally raise your concerns with the planning authority.

Telephone Mast in Sussex Ring
A planning application has been made to plant a 15m high monopole and surface clutter in Sussex Ring for the purpose of spreading the 5G network.

Image issued of man police want to identify following sexual assault in North Finchley
Image issued of man police want to identify following sexual assault in North Finchley

Blog From The Chairman – A Personal View
The Virus Woodside Park is a suburb which covers the broad spectrum of human life of all ages, colours, creeds and nature. We live together in harmony and with understanding and we are a shining beaco…

Darlands Nature Reserve – the future
This 32 ha (80 acre) nature reserve is located in the greenbelt between Totteridge, Mill Hill and Woodside Park and includes woodlands, wetlands, grassland and of course the Darlands lake.

You should take action NOW!!
It has been brought to our attention that calling cards are being wedged between householder’s door bells and the frame or brickwork upon which the doorbell sits.

Summer social events
Summer is upon us! Social events are central in maintaining Woodside Park’s valued community spirit.

Christmas Carol Singing
We huddled together in Sussex Ring on a fine, dry but chilly Saturday afternoon on 17th December to sing our hearts out with Christmas carols to welcome the start of the Christmas festive season.

Bin Collections
Although in its early planning stage, it is proposed that eighty-eight single person flats be constructed on land between Woodside Park Underground Station and Holden Road.

Proposed Development at Woodside Park Tube
Although in its early planning stage, it is proposed that eighty-eight single person flats be constructed on land between Woodside Park Underground Station and Holden Road.

Picnic In the Park
This was held on the hot afternoon of 7th July 2018 and clashed with England’s World Cup quarter final success against Sweden, Wimbledon, the Grand Prix practice at Silverstone and other events as well.

Picnic Quiz Questions
On what tube line does the station Woodside Park stand?
To the nearest 50, how many legal residential dwellings are there in Woodside Park Garden Suburb?

Shared Driveways
Recently, the Association has received several queries regarding shared driveways and rights of owners who share the driveways.

Carols at Sussex Ring 2017
The annual carol singing took place at Sussex Ring on Saturday 16th December 2017. Despite the weather being a little damp, the occasion was attended by some eighty people of all denominations including numerous children.

Redevelopment Of North Finchley/Tally Ho Shopping Centre
There are plans afoot to redevelop the North Finchley/Tally Ho shopping centre and to turn it into a thriving, prosperous and lively place where people would want to visit.