The Rules

  1. The name of the Association shall be the “Woodside Park Garden Suburb Residents’ Association”.

  2. The Association shall be strictly non-party and non-sectarian.

  3. The objects of the Association shall be :

    • to safeguard and extend the amenities enjoyed by the residents of this district as defined in Rule 4 below

    • to act as a medium of communication on all matters of interest to members between them and the various authorities and statutory undertakings exercising jurisdiction over  Woodside Park and adjacent areas and to take such co-operative action as may be deemed desirable.

    • to provide facilities and means, whern appropriate, whereby members may meet for the purpose of discussing, debating and studying matters of local interest

  4. Membership is entitled to all residents over 18, in the area of Woodside Park within the Borough of Barnet contained within the roads, namely Chanctonbury Way, Cissbury Ring North, Cissbury Ring South, Folkington Corner, Linkside, Fursby Avenue between the roundabout and the brook, Lullington Garth, Offham Slope, Poynings Way, Pyecombe Corner, Rodmell Slope, Saddlescombe Way, Singleton Scarp, Steynings Way, Sussex Ring, Walmington Fold, and Wolstonbury upon subscribing to the funds of the Association in accordnace with Rule 5 below and such subscribers shall become members of the Association.

  5. The annual subscription shall be an amount agreed by the committee and considered for revision at the Annual General Meeting.

  6. It shall be an obligation upon every member to pay his/her subscription when due.

  7. The affairs of the Association shall be in the immediate care of a Committee elected annually at the Annual General Meeting which shall comprise the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer and not more than nine other members of the Association

  8.  Candidates for membership of the Committee including the offices of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer may be nominated in writing by any two members of the Association, provided that such nominations are signed by the candidate and two proposers and received by the Hon Secretary prior to the Annual General Meeting. At that meeting, members so nominated, together with office bearers and committee members offering themselves for re-election, shall be the only ones  submitted to the meeting for election.

  9. The Association may co-opt to its Committee such members of the Association as it may deem desirable.

  10. The Committee shall have the power to obtain expert advice in any matter in which it deems it to be necessray but shall not commence legal proceedings without the authority of the majority of members present at a Special General Meeting.

  11. A quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be a minimum of five members of the Committee.

  12. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May or June of each year or at some other time as the Committee so determines. Four weeks’ notice are to be given and notices of motion should be in the Secretary’s hands at least 7 days before the date of the meeting.

  13. Ordinary meetings of the Association may be called by the Committee at its discretion, not less than seven days notice given to members.

  14. Special Meetings of the Association shall be convened by the Committee at its disretion or upon receipt by the Hon. Secretary of a requisition to that effect signed by twelve or more members, provided that such requisition states the purpose of the meeting and formulates a resolution for consideration which shall be the sole business of the meeting. Such a meeting shall take place within eight weeks of the requisition and due notice shall be given to members.

  15. Notice of meetings and an agenda of the business to be transacted thereat shall be sent to every member of the Committee.

  16. Voting at any meeting shall be held by ballot or show of hands, a majority of one (except as provided by Rule 24) shall be sufficient to decide any motion. If the votes are equal, the Chairman of the meeting shall exercise the casting vote.

  17. The Chairman shall preside at all General Meetings and Committee meetings or, if he/she is unable to act, then the Vice-Chairman shall preside.

  18. The Honorary Secretary, or such committee member for the time being so appointed, shall be repsonsible for all correspondence and records of the Association under the direction of the Committee.

  19. The Honorary Treausrer shall be responsible to the Committee for all monies of the Association. He/she shall submit the account for audit each year and shall prepare a balance sheet and statement of accounts for submission to the Annual General Meeting.

  20. All monies received on behalf of the Association shall be lodged in the name of the Association in a bank or a building society.

  21. The acocunts of the Association shall be audited by an independent honorary auditor who shall not be a member of the Committee. The audited accounts for the year ending on the preceding 4th April shall be presented each year to the Annual General Meeting.

  22. New rules may be made and existing rules altered or rescinded at an Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting as required under Rules 12, 14 and 16 and not otherwise.

  23. All questions as the the interpretation of these Rules shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.

  24. The Association may be dissolved by resolution of a Special General Meeting of members confirmed by a ballot at which at least 75 per cent of the total number of votes shall be cast is in favour of dissoluton. In the event of dissolution, all debts and liabilities legally incurred shall be paid or provided for and the balance of funds shall be forwarded to such charitable institution as the Chairman and the majority of the Committee may decide.

  25. Every member shall be entitled to a copy of the Rules upon request.