Bin Collections
You will no doubt have noticed that there have been changes to the bin collection dates in the past few weeks. This is mainly due to the fact that the main waste distribution centre has moved from Mill Hill (to make way for the Inglis Barracks housing development) to Brunswick Park and Colindale.
Bins have not been collected throughout the Suburb and these have been left strewn across the pathways and verges.
We have the situation whereby half of the grey bins are collected each time and half of the blue bins. We are told that the non-collection of the remaining blue and grey bins is due to teething problems at the depot but it seems fairly clear to us that half of the suburb has been missed off the roster. We have new refuse collection people who do not know the area and are being badly advised at the depot.
Many people would like to blame Capita but this is all organized in-house at Barnet Council so there really can be no excuses. Yet, there are excuses. To name but a few – bin lorries have broken down, staff shortages and illnesses, work to rule and simpletons in charge of the rosters.
Hopefully, after many complaints to the Councilors these difficulties might all be resolved before the New Year. After all, weekly bin collections was one of the main planks of the Conservative party manifesto in the 2018 local elections.