World War II Heroes
Charles Frederick Cardnell – 12 Cissbury Ring North, his father Charles Fletcher Cardnell died in 1936 of 12 Cissbury Ring North and he is living there with his widowed mother in 1939. His mother Margaret died there in 1963.
John Edwin Chadwick – In 1939 he is living with his parents in Cosby Lancashire (at school) so they must have moved to Woodside Park soon afterwards. His parents Samuel Edwin Chadwick and Ethel are living at 19 Michleham Down from 1949 through to 1965.
Walter Arthur Coulthard – 1939 Living at 11 Lullington Garth (Insurance Agent) with his mother Lilian who was a PO Clerk and uncle Stanley Pack. Lilian lived there until her death in 1952.
Harry Glantzspigel – CWGC say he is son of Sarah Glantzspigel of 70 Chanctonbury Way, Woodside Park. In 1939 they are living in Hackney so can assume that they were lodging there. Sarah died aged 85y in Islington district.
Kenneth James Holland – His parents lived at 27 Walmington until the mid 1950’s when they moved to East Finchley area. Another son Frederick B lived until 1980’s. NB. The H.M.S. Polyanthus was sunk in mid Atlantic with the loss of over 80 Officers and Crew. The one survivor was picked up by the H.M.S. Itchen who then died when the Itchen was sunk on 23 September with over 230 dead including Derrick Stevens Manning of Chanctonbury Way.
Derrick Stevens Manning – His parents Stanley C Manning and Winifred lived at 160 Chanctonbury Way in 1939 and died there in 1963 and 1983 respectively. NB. The H.M.S. Itchen was torpedoed in the North Atlantic and in fact picked up one survivor from the H.M.S. Polyanthus where Ken Holland was killed a couple of days earlier.
Gordon Henry Mitchell – His parents Henry Montague Mitchell and Dorothy Lydia are living at 27 Northiam in 1939 and are continue to live there, with Dorothy dying in 1957, Henry still there up to 1965 (last date available) but dies in 1972 in Southend. His brother Eric M Mitchell marries in 1955 and is living at 23 Pycombe Corner until 1965 with his wife Joan. They moved to Eastbourne in later years. There is a grave which says ‘In loving memory. Mum, dad, Eric and Iris.’ He gave his life that we may live’.
Sidney Gordon Norris – His parents Albert Fred Norris and Gladys Dorothea lived at 41 Cissbury Ring South in 1939 with Sidney being a Life Assurance Clerk. They continued to live there with daughter Sheila until 1961 when they moved away.
Kenneth William Watson – His parents William Herbert Watson & Violet R (nee Irons). Violet being the sister of R E G Irons one of the instigators of the WP Club. They lived at 136 Chanctonbury Way in 1939. His sister Gwendolen V Watson born 1928 was still living there in 1991 when her niece visited her while attending the reunion. She may well still be there. Both parents died at Chanctonbury Way in 1987 and 1973 respectively.